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Have you ever had to keep a secret?
There's no way we were going to celebrate our 50th anniversary without releasing something groundbreaking, but we aren't allowed to talk about it... yet. Let's just say that there will be some VERY big news coming in a week that you will want to be in on, so make sure to follow us on Facebook or Instagram. Speaking of which, if you don't currently follow TASCAM on Facebook, you're missing out on a goldmine of throwback vintage ads and nostalgia as we mine the best of 50 years of TASCAM!
The TASCAM Model series is the real deal. Recording, live, MIDI... it covers it all, and has become an integral part of many bands and studios. If you haven't yet considered upgrading your live/recording experience, there's no time like the present! Learn more about why studios and musicians around the world are turning to TASCAM for an all-in-one solution.
Don't let your summer end without checking out the smoking deals on TASCAM audio interfaces, PortaStudios, handheld recorders, and more!
TASCAM Tech Tips
A little help from your friends at TASCAM Product Support
Are you ready to take your sonic game to the next level? Check out the Series 8P Dyna to see what you're missing.