ReadMe.txt File Information for GigaStudio(R), Version 2.53.00 (C)2002 TASCAM, Inc. June 24, 2002 ============================================================================== ================================< Contents >================================== ============================================================================== WARNING!!!! - Use this WindowsPatchUtility at your own risk. This is not a released product and is provided only to the registered customers of the GigaStudio product to deal with a know limitation in Windows 98 Gold (v4.10.1998) and Windows 98 Second Edition (v4.10.2222 A). Please read the following description before using this utility. ---------------------------- Description of the problem: ---------------------------- There has been a long running audio artifact that has plagued certain GigaStudio customers. It has been referred to as a 'two-minute pop'. The criteria for the problem is very consistent from machine to machine, however the problem is not guarenteed. In other words, just because you have the conditions doesn't necessarily mean that you will hear the artifact. -------------------------------------- Do I have this problem? -------------------------------------- Here are the conditions for the problem to exist: > Windows 9x, either Windows 98 Gold or Windows 98 Second Edition > System must have over 512Meg of memory > The GigaStudio must be loaded with enough instrument to exceed the 60% memory usage mark. ---------------------------- How to recreate the problem: ---------------------------- With the above conditions satisfied, hold a single note (sustain it for inifinite period of time). Listen for a pop in the audio. Measure the time between the first and the second pop, and then between the second and the third pop. The distance should be exactly 2 minutes. A long-time workaround was to load the performance twice. The first load would essentially 'prime the pump', and the second load would allow the system to function without incident. ---------------------------- What is going on?: ---------------------------- The Windows 9x kernel has a scheduled background task that will wake up and perform some housekeeping code every two minutes. Typically, this background task woulld not be a problem. However, the code is written in such a way that certain memory configurations cause it to take an inordinate amount of time. Worst yet, it turns off interrupts and locks out the audio subsystem. Consequently, the audio card can drop samples causing the pop. ---------------------------------- What does WindowsPatchUtility do? ---------------------------------- Because the realtime requirement of the GigaStudio or any audio application for that matter, this Windows background task needs to be blocked. This patch will install a very strategic piece of code that will allows us to block the task when the user is using their system for audio. Because this is not a Microsoft endorsed initiative, there is a good chance they would frown on such behavior .... too bad ;) It works. ---------------------------- How do I use this patch? ---------------------------- This patch was designed to be completely reversible for safety reasons. In other words, you can always disable this patch by simply running the "WindowPatchUtility.exe' How to use this Patch: 1. Be sure you have the problem Check the 'Do I Have This Problem?' and 'How to recreate the problem' sections above. 2. Run the 'WindowsPatchUtility' 3. Press the 'Enable Hotfix' button to enable the patch. (if everything is grayed-out, then you don't have GStudio v2.53 or later) How to disable the patch: 1. Run the 'WindowsPatchUtility' 2. Press the Disable Hotfix' button to disable the patch. ---------------------------- Anything else? ---------------------------- YES. Please do not install this hotfix over any version of GigaStudio other than v2.53.00 or later. This patch is not guarenteed to work on earlier versions. Please understand that this fix, will address this problem and only this problem. If your system is not exhibiting this problem, there is no need to run this fix. Also, just because you hear a audio pop/click/or fart, does not mean that you are experiencing this problem. Any number of system problems, from incompatible network/video card to a misbehaving driver can cause the audio card to skip a beat.