------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Latest information (2025.1.8) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The most recent versions of the firmware/software for this unit are as follows. System version: V2.0.0 (Previously V1.7.0 Updated at this time) We request that you always use the latest software/firmware version for this unit. For information about the latest software/firmware, check the TEAC Global Site (http://teac-global.com/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Notices ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Starting with firmware V1.4.0 or later, firmware updates via SD card is supported. - You will not be able to downgrade from V1.1.0 or later to V1.0.3 or earlier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information about related equipment, software and other versions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following information about versions is current as of January 8, 2025. Please check individual product pages for the latest information. - TASCAM Sonicview 16/24   - Firmware : V2.0.0 (date of latest update: 8 January 2025)   - Dante module firmware  < Brooklyn II > (date of latest update: 8 January 2025) Product Version : V1.0.3 Software Version : V1.0.3.2 Firmware Version : V1.0.3.2 Dante Firmware Version : V4.2.8.2 < Brooklyn 3 > (date of latest update: 8 January 2025) Product Version : V1.0.3 Software Version : V1.0.3.2 Firmware Version : V1.0.3.2 Dante Firmware Version : V4.2.9.4 - "TASCAM Sonicview Control" software for TASCAM Sonicview 16/24  Version : V2.0.0 (date of latest update: 8 January 2025) - "TASCAM Sonicview USB for Windows" USB driver for TASCAM Sonicview 16/24 Version : V1.0.1 (date of latest update: no update) - IF-MTR32 32-channel multitrack recording card for TASCAM Sonicview 16/24   Firmware : V1.12 (date of latest update: 13 December 2023) - SB-16D - Firmware : V1.20 (date of latest update: 4 April 2024)   - Dante module firmware   (date of latest update: no update) Product Version : V1.0.0 Software Version : V1.0.0.3 Firmware Version : V1.0.0.3 Dante Firmware Version : V4.2.3.13 (date of latest update: 18 October 2023) Product Version : V1.0.1 Software Version : V1.0.1.1 Firmware Version : V1.0.1.1 Dante Firmware Version : V4.2.7.7 - "TASCAM IO CONTROL" software for SB-16D Version : V1.1.1 (date of latest update: 4 April 2024) TASCAM Sonicview 16 related : TASCAM Sonicview 24 related : TASCAM IF-MTR32 related : TASCAM SB-16D related : ============================================================================================================= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FW V2.0.0 (2025.1.8) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < New functions > - Compatibility with the TASCAM IF-ST2110 card has been added. - SNMP is now supported. The MIB file can be downloaded from the TASCAM website. - Some functions can now be controlled using Ember+. - AUTO MIXER function has been added. - LABEL SETUP function has been added, allowing for the following operations. - Any name can now be given to input/output ports. - A mode has been added that allows the module name display to be switched to the port name display. - Return talkback function has been added. - The AVAILABLE MEMORY item has been added to the INFORMATION screen. The amount of available memory that can be used by the system can be checked. - A dedicated mode for fader and touch panel calibration has been added. - Mute Group Priority function has been added. This allows the priority to be set for either CH Mute or Mute Group when mute is OFF. - DCA Mute Priority function has been added. When DCA Mute is turned off, the priority for either CH Mute or DCA Mute can be set. - DCA Solo Priority function has been added. When DCA Solo is turned off, the priority for either CH Solo or DCA Solo can be set. - The Monitor Status item has been added to the USER DEFINED CONTROLS Screen GPIO-OUT page. This allows the current monitor state to be output from GPIO-OUT. - Latch/Unlatch has been added to Parameter 3 of AFV>Trigger Source Emulate on the USER DEFINED CONTROLS page. < Maintenance items > - A Control Software Error would appear. This has been improved. Since this symptom was caused by the following factors, the firmware has been fixed.   - When All System Data (extension .asd4) created with a previous firmware version was loaded using firmware V1.7.0, a Control Software Error might be displayed.   - When All System Data for Sonicview 24 that includes “LCD R” in the USER DEFINED CONTROLS settings Parameter was loaded using Sonicview 16, a Control Software Error might be displayed. - Factory Reset did not reset the built-in Dante settings. This has been fixed. - When saving a current snapshot with a USER KEY, the snapshot name would be “User Key + number”. This has been fixed. - When non-straight routing (routing where the channel numbers do not match between the Dante Controller and the SB-16D) was performed in Dante Controller, the SB-16D port number display of the output modules could be different from the setting. This has been fixed. - The Snapshot Module Safe function for the modules to which the SB-16D ports were assigned did not work correctly. This has been fixed. This symptom, which occurred when the following settings were made, has been fixed with a firmware update. - When non-straight routing was performed - When assigned to ST IN 1/2 right channel - When assigned via SLOT 1/2 - When recording with the internal recorder with no source selected for the right channel, the right channel meter would fluctuate. This has been fixed. - When there was a difference between the GND of the external device connected to the unit and the GND of the unit, the input PAD would operate, reducing the signal level by -20dB. This has been fixed. - When the DELAY POINT was set to PRE FADER, the delay would be applied to PFL-Solo and Pre Fader Send. This has been fixed. - The Main R signal was sent to the COMP Key-in of the MIX module. This has been fixed. - When the Stereo Link setting was made while the RTA meter of the EQ/GEQ was displayed, the RTA meter would not be displayed correctly. This has been fixed. - Even if Mute Group and DCA were set to Snapshot Recall Safe, the Mute ON state of each module enabled by Mute Group and DCA would not be maintained. This has been fixed. - Operation stability has been improved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FW V1.7.0 (2024.10.23) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < Maintenance items > - A Control Software Error would appear. This has been improved. Since this symptom was caused by the following factors, the firmware has been fixed. - An inappropriate setting of the internal communication buffer could cause the message "Control Software Error" to appear. - Unauthorized access to memory could occur. This could cause the message "Control Software Error" to appear and prevent the encoders, switches and faders on the main unit from being operated. - Due to an inappropriate implementation of RTA meter data, the unit screen could return to the startup screen while the RTA meter was shown, displaying the message "Control Software Error". - Due to an inappropriate timeout processing for internal communication, the operations of the encoders, switches and faders on the unit could not be reflected on the unit screen and audio. - An inappropriate setting of the internal communication buffer could cause the analog gain value displayed on the screen to differ from the actual setting. - Operation stability has been improved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FW V1.6.1 (2024.6.19) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < Maintenance items > - A Control Software Error would appear. This has been improved. Since this symptom was caused by the following factors, the firmware has been fixed. - When performing a quick operation with User Key/GPIO-IN for storing/recalling Snapshots, a communication error could occur in the system, resulting in a Control Software Error message. - Improper initial settings inside the system could cause a Control Software Error to occur. - Unauthorized access to memory could occur on rare occasions, resulting in a Control Software Error or incorrect information being displayed on the LCD screen. - Memory leaks had occurred, and after a long period of use, a Control Software Error or noise on the LCD screen could occur. - When a DCA was assigned to another DCA, the audio level did not follow it. This has been fixed. - When a MIX bus was selected as a monitor source, monitor sound could not be heard unless a port was assigned to the output of that MIX bus. This has been fixed. - When Snapshot Recall was executed, the Module Safe settings of the DCA/ mute groups were not reflected correctly. This has been fixed. - The PAD setting of a CH module did not work on rare occasions. This has been fixed. - When "Slow" was selected in the Solo/Mute/Fader Speed setting, it was extremely slow to follow the audio level. This has been fixed. - Master module assignments were changed even when "DCA/MUTE GROUP/CUSTOM LAYER/LAYER SETUP" was checked on the Snapshot Recall Safe screen. This has been fixed. - When Snapshot or All System Data was loaded, DCA level settings were not always reflected correctly. This has been fixed. - When SOLO Mode was set to Exclusive, the monitor sound was not heard correctly when DCA's SOLO was turned on. This has been corrected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FW V1.6.0 (2024.4.4) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < New functions > - Audio Follow Video functions newly added. - OA Tally Inhibit Settings has been added to the Preferences screen. - Monitor Add function newly added. This allows for the mixing and monitoring of multiple sources. - Location settings are now available in the Monitor screen. - The LOCK SETUP screen has been redesigned. This allows more detailed settings of lock items. - The Version Information screen has been redesigned, allowing the user to check the status information of the version of the device connected to the main unit. - Stereo-linked CH and ST IN1/2 modules can now have separate L/R settings for each item in the MODULE (INPUT) screen. - Monitor stereo/mono switching is now possible with User Key, GPIO-IN, Foot Switch. - A logical inversion setting has been added to the MUTE control function of GPIO-IN/Foot Switch. - The THRESHOLD value of Compressor can now also be adjusted from the bar in the KEY IN meter. - The following functions added to V1.6.0 have also been added to the User Defined Control: - Audio Follow Video - Monitor Add - On Air Tally - Monitor DIM - The following functions have been added to the Talkback screen: - "DIM" display function added when DIM is enabled. - Talkback input location settings are now available. - MON1/2 location display has been added. < Maintenance items > - The MODULE (INPUT/OUTPUT) screen has been redesigned. This allows for easier monitoring of multiple assigned output ports, especially in the MODULE (OUTPUT) screen. - Specifications have been changed so that functions set to ON in GPIO-IN/Foot Switch can be turned ON/OFF using the physical buttons, User Key, and screen buttons on the main unit. - The lower limit of the THRESHOLD value for DUCKER has been changed from -30 dB to -60 dB. - When turning on the main unit, GPIO-OUT with assigned User Key OUT would not output as set. This has been fixed. - The Snapshot Lock state would not be saved in All System Data. This has been fixed. - When loading a non-MAIN L/R registered All System Data file to the master module, the master module would change to MAIN L/R. This has been fixed. - Data was not updated after overwriting a file with the same name when exporting All System Data. This has been fixed. - When connecting the Sonicview to a Windows PC via USB, some noise would occur at the start of playback in some applications. This has been fixed. - When the sample rate on a Windows PC was set to 96 kHz and a sound source was playing on it, if the Sonicview was turned on/off audio was not output correctly while the sound source was being played. This has been fixed. - The GPIO-IN/Foot Switch pin input state was different from the GPIO-IN/Foot Switch pin input state when starting up the main unit and when reading All System Data. This has been fixed. - When a stereo module was assigned to the Compressor and Ducker Key In Source, the Key In meters and gain reduction would operate in mono. This has been fixed. - When backing up All System Data to a USB flash drive, all System Data could not be backed due to an insufficient capacity alert. This has been fixed. - After backing up All System Data to a USB flash drive or SD card for the first time, files were not displayed when the RESTORE screen was opened. This issue has been fixed. - Specifications have been changed so that SOLO is turned off after Factory Reset and All System Data Load. - After Factory Reset, Paste MODULE or UNDO/REDO would be performed. This has been fixed. - The User Key did not light up in the following case: When the SB-16D's GPIO-OUT port is set to Local and the corresponding GPIO-OUT port is assigned to Parameter 2 of LED Indication > GPIO-OUT in the User Key setting of the Sonicview main unit. This has been fixed. - When setting SB-16's GPIO-IN performance mode to "ALL Local", the Sonicview GPIO-IN would also operate. This has been fixed. - When an SB-16D was mounted to the Sonicview, regardless of the settings, all SB-16D GPIO-OUTSs would turn to OPEN. This has been fixed. - Improved meter display. - Operation stability has been improved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FW V1.5.3 (2023.12.13) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < Maintenance items > - When the USB audio setting on Windows or Mac was 48 kHz, noise could be present in the USB audio. This has been fixed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FW V1.5.2 (2023.11.14) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < Maintenance items > - The following issues occurring with firmware V1.5.0 have been fixed: (both malfunctions occurred when the sampling rate on Dante Settings is set at 48kHZ only) - Audio was not output on channels 33 and later of the built-in Dante port. This has been fixed. - On the Dante SETUP I/O Device tab, when mounting an SB-16D unit as the 3rd or later Mounted Device, the port name on the IF-DA64 inserted in SLOT1/2 would change to SB-16D. This has been fixed. (Noise only would occur when the Dante Settings sampling rate was set at 48 kHz, and the Clock Master on the SYNC CLOCK screen was set on Internal) - Some noise would occur on the output audio of the internal Dante. This has been fixed. - The following issues occurring when assigning the built-in Dante port to DIRECT OUT on the CH Module have been fixed:  (only when the sampling rate on Dante Settings is set at 48kHz) - Audio signals were output even when DIRECT OUT was set to OFF. This has been fixed. - Fixed the issue with DIRECT OUT TRIM as it wouldn’t work properly. - The following issues would occur when the MODULE Library was recalled. This has been fixed. - The Φ and DUCKER RELEASE settings of the MIX 1-22 and MAIN L/R modules would affect the audio of the CH1-23 modules. - The Φ settings of the ST IN 1-2 and MAIN R modules would affect the audio of the MIX1-2 and CH23 modules. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FW V1.5.0 (2023.10.18) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < New functions > - Snapshot Recall has been speeded up. - The following monitor-related features have been added/changed: - The monitor feature now supports 2 channels; the MON2 output is connected to the Output Router. - MIC LOCATION settings (Control Room / Studio / NONE) can be applied to each MON1 and MON2. - Direct OUT function newly added. Signals are output just before Monitor Mute and DIM. - SOLOR output can now be output externally via Output Router. Also, a setting has been added to prevent switching Monitor to SOLO when SOLO output is being output externally. - MONITOR FOLLOW function newly added. MON1 FOLLOW switched the MON2 signal to MON1. On the other hand, MON2 FOLLOWS switches the MON1 signal to MON2. - Monitor Exclusive function newly added. Two monitors can be set/switched as small or large speakers. - Mic/Line input can now be selected in Monitor Source. - Monitor Source can now be set independently for L /R ch. - The following Talkback-related functions have been added/changed: - While talkback is in action, the DIM level applied to the monitor can now be independently set from the normal monitor DIM level. - Any input terminal can now be selected for talkback input. - Talkback signals can now be output externally. - The Talkback signal that cuts into bus has been changed to post-fader. - The following User Key/Foot Switch / GPIO-IN-related functions have been added/changed: - All support monitor-related changes. - All support Talkback-related changes. - Oscillator function and ON/OFF settings have been added. - LED Indication has been added. The User Key LED will light up in conjunction with the GPIO-IN/OUT Open/Closed function. - Any output terminal can be selected for SOLO output. - USER KEY OUT function added to GPIO-OUT. Pulses are output from GPIO-OUT when pressing the USER KEY. - New settings added to Solo/Mute/Fader Speed. ON/OFF on SOLO/MUTE and the fade in/out speed can be adjusted. - Clock Synchronous Type settings added. This sets the sync status (Lock/Unlock) criteria between the main unit and the Dante signal. < Maintenance items > - The main unit was not recognized when the sample rate was changed from 96 kHz to 48 kHz from the Dante Controller. This has been fixed. - In the screen display of Rch in the stereo-linked CH/MIX module, the item selected in SNAPSHOT RECALL SAFE was changed during Snapshot Recall. This has been fixed. - When loading ALL SYSTEM DATA, the SB-16D mounting status would not be displayed correctly. This has been fixed. - When the SENDS ON FADER is ON, the selected FX RTN fader would move when operating the MASTER FADER. This has been fixed so that the INPUT LEVEL of the selected FX will move as in the TASCAM Sonicview main unit. - When selecting the OUTPUT ROUTING/BUS CONFIG item on SNAPSHOT RECALL SAFE. The output routing would be changed when recalling a snapshot. This has been fixed. - When a snapshot with OSC assigned to Main LR was recalled, display of the OSC SETUP Screen did not correspond sometimes. This has been fixed. - When performing a Factory Reset to SD-16D from the main unit, the Analog Gain and PAD were not set to the initial values. This has been fixed. - On the INPUT SOURCE SELECT screen, the input port of the SB-16D mounted on Dante 33-48ch could not be assigned. This has been fixed. - Analog Gain was not displayed when the SB-16D was connected via IF-DA64 and assigned to the CH module's INSERT RETURN on the CH module. This has been fixed. - On the MODULE (OVERVIEW/INPUT) screen, the ON/OFF PAD of an unauthorized SB-16D would be displayed in reverse. This has been fixed. - Issues in the Snapshot Import/Export screen have been fixed. - All System Data screen display issues have been fixed. - Port display issues have been fixed. - Operation stability has been improved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FW V1.4.1 (2023.8.14) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The CH4 module's Analog GAIN would not function properly. This has been fixed. - Different inputs were inserted when analog inputs were assigned using INSERT RETURN on the CH33-40 module. This has been fixed. - Analog GAIN settings were not reflected properly when performing Paste MODULE on the CH module. This has been fixed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FW V1.4.0 (2023.7.26) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < New functions > - In the MODULE (GEQ) screen of the MIX 1-22 module and MAIN L/R master module, GEQ can now be operated by a FADER. - Any input/output port can now be selected for INSERT SEND/RETURN. - SOLO L/R bus newly added to the MONITOR SOURCE ASSIGN screen. - Factory Reset function newly added. - The MUTE indicator of a MODULE that is being muted by DCA or Mute Group can now be selected to light/blink. - The SOLO mode (PFL/AFL) switching can now be operated by User Key/Foot Switch/GPIO-IN. - All buttons on the Recorder/Player screen can now be operated by User Key/Foot Switch/GPIO-IN. - The direct playback function of the internal PLAYER (track number selection and playback) can now be operated by User Key/Foot Switch/GPIO-IN. - INSERT ON/OFF on each module can now be operated by User Key/Foot Switch/GPIO-IN. - MAIN L/R ON/OFF operation on each module can now be operated by User Key/Foot Switch/GPIO-IN. - MUTE ON/OFF on each module can now be operated by User Key/Foot Switch/GPIO-IN. - A new screen-paging function by User Key/Foot Switch/GPIO-IN has been added to the following:  - Monitor/Solo tap on the Monitor Setup screen  - Information screen  - Snapshot screen  - Send Overview screen  - MODULE (FX) screen - Display switching of the 4xSEND area on the HOME screen can now be operated by User Key/Foot Switch/GPIO-IN. - The IF-AE16 input signal can now be selected as the master clock. < Maintenance items > - When the TASCAM IF-MA64/EX or IF-MA64/BN was installed and MADI was set to Master Clock and locked, rebooting the Sonicview unit would lead to the system judging the clock as unlocked and set it to internal. This has been fixed. - GEQ settings were not retained when recalling the MODULE LIBRARY after selecting GEQ in RECALL SAFE on the LIBRARY MODULE OUTPUT screen of the MIX1-22 module. This has been fixed. - GEQ settings were not restored after RECALL UNDO after recalling any LIBRARY in the LIBRARY MODULE OUTPUT screen of the MIX1-22 module. This has been fixed. - The internal Dante clock synchronization during power-on could cause noise in certain Dante audio on rare occasions. This has been fixed. - When switching the master clock from Internal to either of WORD IN/Dante/Slot1/Slot2, some noise would come out from MONITOR OUT. This has been fixed. - Playback errors would occur when switching media in the internal PLAYER. This has been fixed. - The currently playing song would turn to the first song on the media when the internal PLAYER media was USB and the BROWSE screen was opened. - A new function has been added to the fast forward/rewind operation: Tap to start fast forwarding/rewind, and tap again to stop it. - Operation stability has been improved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FW V1.3.0 (2023.4.19) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < New functions > Support was added for the OVERDUB MODE of the TASCAM IF-MTR32. < Maintenance items > - When switching from LOCK to UNLOCK on the LOCK SETUP Screen, the MASTER FADER would not return to the position before locking. This has been fixed. - If the TASCAM SB-16D GPIO-OUT port operation mode for multiple ports was set to “Extension”, a delay occurred in the output timing of each port. This has been changed so that output occurs with the same timing.   Note: To enable these changes, update the firmware of the TASCAM SB-16D unit to version 1.02. These changes will not take effect with version 1.01. - When recalling module library data for an input module, the following settings would not be recalled correctly. This has been fixed.   - SEND ON/OFF to FX4   - Q parameter of DE-ESSER - Issues related to internal communication error in the Sonicview has been fixed, and operation stability has been improved. - Operation stability has been improved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FW V1.2.0 (2023.3.14) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < New functions > - Linkage function with TASCAM IF-MTR32 is now supported. - New function (Ch mute/Pre-send link) added: the link operation of the input module Mute and the Pre Fader Send mute to the AUX bus can be set independently for each bus. < Maintenance items > - Control redundancy of TASCAM SB-16D is now supported.  Notes: For this matter, users won’t be able to use the TASCAM SB-16D with FW V1.1.0      In case of use in combination with the TASCAM SB-16D, please update the main unit’s firmware and the TASCAM Sonicview Control app up to V1.2.0. - POST COMP has been changed to PRE FADER in the Metering Point options for the CH1-40 module. - Issues with the Copy Module in which Analog Gain, Pad, and HPF cannot be copied have been fixed. - Issues in Module Library in which the STORE/RECALL function cannot be used with Library Module Input’s Analog Gain, Pad, and HPF have been fixed. - The following issues with the Snapshot recall safe have been fixed:  - In Parameter Safe, even when a checkmark was placed on the “Input/Osc parameters”, all Insert On/Off, Insert Point’s Recall Safe were validated. This has been fixed. From now on all Recall Safe functions will be validated after a checkmark is placed on “Insert Routing”. - In Parameter Safe, even when a checkmark was placed on “Effect Settings", Gate/Expander/Deesser parameters, Comp/Ducker parameters, and Delay parameters were validated. This has been fixed. From now on all Recall Safe functions will be validated after a checkmark is placed on "Other Module Parameters". - In Parameter Safe, even when a checkmark was placed on "Input Routing / Ch Stereo Link / Send Parameters" Pan/Bal’s Recall Safe was validated. This has been fixed. From now on all Recall Safe functions will be validated after a checkmark is placed on "Other Module Parameters", - In MODULE SAFE with the INPUT MODULE on ON, noise occurred on that INPUT MODULE when recalling SNAPSHOT. This has been fixed. - When the ClockMaster is on Dante, changing the Sync Clock would trigger noise in Dante output. This has been fixed. - Recall Snapshot would change the image in ST IN1 and ST IN2 to MONO. This has been fixed. - In the TASCAM Sonicview Control app, turning ON/OFF the INPUT MODULE’s PAD would make the Analog GAIN value not match the main unit. This has been fixed. - In Stereo Link, this would be not displayed correctly or work properly. This has been fixed. - REC TRIM would not work properly in the RECORDER section of Recorder/Player. This has been fixed. - The SOLO/MUTE indicator would not be displayed properly in the DCA module. This has been fixed. - The DCA ASSIGN would not be displayed properly when recalling snapshots. This has been fixed. - With MIX1-4, FX1-4 would not be displayed on the SENDS ON FADER screen when changing into SENDS ON FADER in the GROUP BUS mode. - When recalling/loading snapshots or All System Data, DCA-to-DCA assignments were not being properly recalled/loaded. This has been fixed. - In the FX RTN module when recalling the MODULE Library, PRE/POST settings for the MIX1-22 and FX1-4 buses would turn to PRE settings when ALL SEND buses were displayed. This has been fixed. - The SENDS ON FADER of a grouped module in the BUS CONFIG tab would become controllable when the SENDS ON FADER screen is displayed. This has been fixed. - The Paste module in MIX1-22 module (bus mode in AUX), or when Recall was performed in the MODULE Library, the MIX/FX SEND level indicator on the MODULE (OVERVIEW) screen would sometimes show the level to itself. This has been fixed. - Sound would sometimes oscillate in the Paste module in MIX1-22 module (bus mode in GROUP), or when Recall was performed in the MODULE Library. This has been fixed. - SENDS ON FADER operation could be performed for modules with bus mode set to GROUP in the BUS CONFIG tab of the MIXER CONFIG screen when the SENDS ON FADER screen was displayed. This has been fixed. - Operation stability has been improved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FW V1.1.0 (2022.10.07) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < New functions > - The SB-16D control and linking function is supported. - The DUCKER function is supported. - In case of stereo-linked input module, it became that the left and right input source and insert send/return port can be selected independently. In case of stereo-linked output module, it became that the left and right output port and insert/return port can be selected independently as well. - In case of Sends On Fader active, the MUTE button on top panel works as Sends On/Off function instead of module Mute On/Off. - When the SEND display area on the HOME screen is selected, tapping it again, the screen move to the MODULE(SEND/PAN) screen. Note: Please refer to the TASCAM Sonicview 16, Sonicview 24 Reference Manual(Rev.B) for details on the new features. < Maintenance items > - Some bugs related to Dante, display and operation have been fixed, and the operation stability has been improved. - Fixed a bug that the contents of the file may be empty when saving ALL SYSTEM DATA. - Fixed a bug that the 0dB position of GAIN may not be correct depending on the reference level setting. - Fixed an bug when selecting an input port as a monitor source. - Fixed a bug that caused MADI channel misalignment when the master clock was unlocked. - Adjusted the contrast of the "CHANNEL DISPLAY" so that it is balanced between normal and Sends On Fader. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ver1.03 (2022.6.23) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < Maintenance items > - Fixed a bug where noise could be added to the SOLO when solo mode was set to Exclusive and quickly switching SOLO. - Improved resistance to Dante Clock fluctuations. - Fixed a bug that channel deviation occurred in MADI output at startup when the MADI option card (IF-MA64/EX, IF-MA64/BN) is installed and the Clock Master is set to WORD in the Sync Clock settings, - Fixed a bug that the SEND level of stereo-linked modules could not be restored correctly when loading All System Data. For details on how to update, refer to P152 “Firmware Update Procedures” of the “TASCAM Sonicview16, Sonicview 24 Reference Manual(Rev.A)”. Note: After completing the update, turn off the power with the power switch without using the "Restart" button. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------