Latest information (2024.4.4)
The most recent versions of the firmware for this unit are as follows.

Firmware: V1.20  (Previously V1.10 Updated at this time)

We request that you always use the latest software/firmware version for this unit.
For information about the latest software/firmware, check the TEAC Global Site (http://teac-global.com/)

Information about related equipment, software and other versions
The following information about versions is current as of February 12, 2025.
Please check individual product pages for the latest information.

- TASCAM Sonicview 16/24
  - Firmware      : V2.0.1  (date of latest update: 12 February 2025)

  - Dante module firmware
       < Brooklyn II >  (date of latest update: 8 January 2025)
           Product Version             : V1.0.3   
           Software Version            : V1.0.3.2
           Firmware Version            : V1.0.3.2
           Dante Firmware Version      : V4.2.8.2

        < Brooklyn 3 >    (date of latest update: 8 January 2025)
           Product Version             : V1.0.3
           Software Version            : V1.0.3.2
           Firmware Version            : V1.0.3.2
           Dante Firmware Version      : V4.2.9.4

- "TASCAM Sonicview Control" software for TASCAM Sonicview 16/24
   Version         : V2.0.0  (date of latest update: 8 January 2025)

- "TASCAM Sonicview USB for Windows" USB driver for TASCAM Sonicview 16/24
    Version         : V1.0.1   (date of latest update: no update)

- IF-MTR32 32-channel multitrack recording card for TASCAM Sonicview 16/24
  Firmware        : V1.12   (date of latest update: 13 December 2023)

- SB-16D
    - Firmware      : V1.20  (date of latest update: 4 April 2024)

  - Dante module firmware
       <TASCAM SB-16D units with serial numbers No.223xxxx, 226xxxx, 228xxxx(Brooklyn II)>   (date of latest update: no update)
          Product Version             : V1.0.0
          Software Version            : V1.0.0.3
          Firmware Version            : V1.0.0.3
          Dante Firmware Version      : V4.2.3.13

        <TASCAM SB-16D units with serial numbers Serial No.232xxxx and later(Brooklyn 3)>     (date of latest update: 18 October 2023)
          Product Version             : V1.0.1
          Software Version            : V1.0.1.1
          Firmware Version            : V1.0.1.1
          Dante Firmware Version      : V4.2.7.7

- "TASCAM IO CONTROL" software for SB-16D
    Version         : V1.1.1  (date of latest update: 4 April 2024)

 TASCAM Sonicview 16 related :<https://tascam.jp/int/product/sonicview_16/download>
 TASCAM Sonicview 24 related :<https://tascam.jp/int/product/sonicview_24/download>
 TASCAM IF-MTR32 related     :<https://tascam.jp/int/product/if-mtr32/download>
 TASCAM SB-16D related       :<https://tascam.jp/int/product/sb-16d/download>

FW V1.20  (2024.4.4)
< Maintenance items >
- When an SB-16D was mounted to the Sonicview, regardless of the settings, all SB-16D GPIO-OUTSs would turn to OPEN. This has been fixed.
- Dante settings were not initialized when Factory Reset was performed. This has been fixed.
- Operation stability has been improved.

FW V1.10  (2023.10.18)
< New functions >
- Connection from multiple IO CONTROL apps is now possible, with a maximum of 10 simultaneous log-ins, including TASCAM Sonicview 16/24.
- Pulse width and polarity settings for GPIO OUT are now supported. This has been applied in accordance with the additional functions in Sonicview FW (V1.5.0).

< Maintenance items >
- Operation stability has been improved.

FW V1.02  (2023.4.19)
< Maintenance items >
- If the GPIO-OUT port operation mode was set to “Extension” for multiple ports of this unit, a delay occurred in the output timing of each port.
  This has been changed so that output occurs with the same timing.
  Note: To enable these changes, update the firmware of the Sonicview unit to version 1.3.0. These changes will not take effect with version 1.2.0 or older.
- When recalling preset data from TASCAM IO CONTROL, the mute status before recalling would be retained. This has been fixed.